The Shang and Zhou Dynasties

The Shang and Zhou DynastiesThe Shang and Zhou Dynasties
  1. Redding of Bronze Ware of the Shang and Zhou dynasties in Hunan Province


  2. Jade Tigers of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties


  3. Bronze vessels cast during the Shang and Zhou dynasties are almost the finest in the world in design and technical perfection .


  4. During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties art is for utilitarian purposes for the slaveholders .


  5. Pottery development in the Shang and Zhou dynasties was mainly grey-either grey clay pottery or grey sandy pottery .


  6. There are the Shang and Zhou dynasties in Chinese history , which belongs to " the bronze age " in the archaeology .


  7. Metal metage coins prevailed in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties , but the name of metage coin was called later .


  8. From the Shang and Zhou Dynasties to the present , after more than 2000 years history , courtyards have evolved into a kind of mature and systematic space pattern .


  9. Chinese auspicious patterns originated from the Shang and Zhou dynasties , took shape in the Qin and Han dynasties , developed in the Tang and Song dynasties , and matured during the Ming and Qing dynasties .


  10. In this paper , the Shang and Zhou dynasties believed in the object placed in the dynamic system to compare the study to show this period , the Shang and Zhou theocratic beliefs and continuation of the dramatic changes .


  11. The Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties in Chinese history is the very important period on development of bronzes . During this period , the bronzes experienced the occurrence , prosperous and growing procedure .


  12. The following Shang and Western Zhou dynasties saw further development of the slave society .


  13. Preamble , including academia , research status of T ' ao-t ' ieh and dragons of the bronzes of Shang and Zhou dynasties , the significance of the topic of this article , research methods and innovation .


  14. Bronze closely linked with the culture form of Shang and Zhou Dynasties , especially the sacrifice ware .


  15. This article also proposes directions for future research on the armorial inscriptions on Shang and Zhou dynasties bronze vessels .


  16. Compared with pre-Zhou bronze culture , the bronze culture of Shang and Zhou Dynasties south of low reaches of Changjiang had its unique and high-lever characters , and it had great difference from the culture of pre-Zhou and Western Zhou Dynasties .


  17. Taotie pattern on the bronze wares in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties is one of the most attractive topic in Chinese bronze-ware time .


  18. The first interpretation of the Shang and Zhou dynasties is the animals of the different manifestations and the way of draw different animals . Traced from the period before Shang and Zhou dynasties and find the first type of these two types of ornamentation .


  19. Section Two discusses the disintegration of the peerage of Shang and Zhou Dynasties , the loss of the identification functions of the bronze art and its consequent secularization .


  20. On the Jail System of the Xia , Shang and Zhou Dynasties


  21. All kinds of patterns relating to casting process are often to be seen on the bottom of bronze vessels in the Shang and Zhou dynasties .


  22. The fifth chapter discussed the evolution of the Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties capital city defense system and analyzes the impact of its .


  23. Search on the Six-Symbol Divination Method in the Digital Diagrams of Shang and Zhou Dynasties


  24. The wooden box-featured furniture emerged as early as the Shang and Zhou dynasties and has been in development with the change of dynasties .


  25. By comparing the six-digit numbers inscribed on the vessels of the Shang and Zhou dynasties and some received literature related , we can find the sixty-four hexagrams made up of two kinds of symbols should have come into being at the turn of the Shang and Zhou dynasties .


  26. The Change of King 's Power Thought During the Shang and the Zhou Dynasties


  27. Study of the Decorative Pattern Construction on Bronze Wares in the Shang and the Zhou Dynasties


  28. The earliest porcelain appeared in the slave societies of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties .


  29. The project of division of the history of the Xia , Shang and Zhou Dynasties focuses on chronological problems .


  30. Project of the Chronology of Early Chinese History in the Xia , Shang and Western Zhou dynasties , using series of samples and ( 14 ) ~ C dating , ascertains the periodization skeleton of Xia , Shang and Western Zhou dynasties .
